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You Need Just as Much Support as Your Dad Does

Your dad’s been diagnosed with a chronic health condition. He’s nervous as this means his lifestyle needs to change. He has to go to the doctor more often, monitor his health more closely, and take medications each day. He needs support, so you’re looking at professional caregivers.

Did you realize that when your dad is ailing or dealing with a major change like this, you also benefit from support? Coming to the realization that your dad is older and not going to be able to do everything like he used to can be alarming at first.

Caregivers can help you out, too. You probably want to be there to help your dad as much as possible. Often, that means family members put their own lives on hold to help out. Don’t forget that you need support just as much as your dad does.

Facts About Unpaid Care

About one out of five Americans provide unpaid care to a parent or other adult who has a chronic health condition or needs help with activities of daily living. Often, Alzheimer’s is the main health condition that requires the family member to help out.

Family caregivers typically do not get any pay for helping out. Some family members support their parents by covering the cost of clothing, groceries, or prescription medications. That can create a financial strain. If the family caregiver had to stop working or reduce work hours to provide care, it impacts finances even more.

More than 60 percent of family caregivers still work. Balancing their parents’ care with work and other personal responsibilities becomes exhausting.

All of this leads to family carers saying that their role as a family caregiver has worsened their health. Almost a quarter of all unpaid caregivers feel caregiving has negatively impacted their health.

If you’re a family caregiver and are skipping your own medical check-ups to save time, you must get back on track by seeing your doctor and dentist. If you’re spending less time on self-care and using the extra hours for your kids, spouse, or parents, you need to remember self-care is vital.

There’s a saying that you can’t pour from an empty pot. The same is true of helping out. If you’re exhausted after a full day of work or caring from your parents, what is left for yourself and the others in your life. Finding a balance that meets your needs and theirs must be your next step.

Ask About Respite Care

Talk to a local home care specialist about having caregivers around for respite care. You can be your dad’s main caregiver without putting your life on hold. Take breaks now and then to socialize with friends, run errands, or have time to yourself.

With professional caregivers offering respite care services, you’ll be able to take your kids on the long weekend away. You can let the professional caregiver help out while you focus on a big work project. Call to learn more.

If you or an aging loved-one is considering a Caregiver in Smithtown, NY please contact the caring staff at Karing Hearts Agency Corp. today. (631)366-KARE(5273)

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